Привет! Это страница пользователя Tara на Stickr.com

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This is so sweet...reminds me of a little child waking up


14 лет назад


Its a .gif, so copy paste the above link to see it properly :]

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4 похожих стикера

anonymous 14 лет назад

I find this site is a little hard to navigate.

Tara 14 лет назад

Three guys went to a ski lodge, the rooms are full, so they have to share a room with one bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wak...

joke :D

Tara 14 лет назад

I used to love this song when I was little :D Tell me what you think ;)

Wierd_Fish 14 лет назад

I dont really need this software but i downloaded it anyway but i had a little problem with activating it but now it is working fine :o) Yay

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