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:D Explanation of Guatemalan sinkhole - By mark
(click link to see .gif)


14 лет назад

If the result of the failure of people died, the humor is inappropriate.


14 лет назад

I didnt make it...but I did think it was clever ;-)

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5 похожих стикеров

Tara 14 лет назад

Can you guys see this link? Its the underwater oil leak in the USA....alooot of oil :(

Tara 14 лет назад

(click the link)

The cat doesnt mind going on that :D

Tara 14 лет назад

Insincere relations :(...click link to see .gif

StickrAdmin 14 лет назад

Cont---just view stickradmins profile and on the right you will see groups. click the small stickr logo and then hit join! thats it!!

StickrAdmin 14 лет назад

2010 Horoscopes

2010 Horoscopes

check it out to see yours!!


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