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PureBasic- programming software ;-)


14 лет назад

Someone today still uses the basic? о_о


14 лет назад

Yeah I know some people that do ;-)


14 лет назад

What are they compile with it?


14 лет назад


My friend uses it to make intro's to his games....example above (link to download file at bottom of page) ;-)


14 лет назад

Hmm. What are they smoked for select basic %) Basic good only for "visual basic for application" )


14 лет назад

Excuse me for my "brilliant" eng)


14 лет назад

hahaha its ok matey. Do you mean...does he use it only for the intro's?

Вы имели в виду ... он только использовать его для Введение в?


14 лет назад

или для всего приложения?

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4 похожих стикера

mammananny 14 лет назад

This is a fantastic FREWARE program. it puts some of the paid software programs look really dumbed down.

anonymous 14 лет назад

Weight Loss Program is an easy-to-use software tool that keeps track of your caloric intake and expe

What you think about this page?

anonymous 14 лет назад

from balesio compresses digital photos and images and achieves file size reductions by up to 98%. For example, a JPEG photo with a size of 5 MB can...

wierd program

gustheguidedog 14 лет назад

Hi I am blind,I use the computer with the aid of special talking software. I use giveawayoftheday.com there are some really useful programs

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  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 06th May
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 06th May
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 06th May