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13 лет назад

Что это? Экзотические обряды? )))

Не в тему - http://goo.gl/oiyVf ключи к Dr. WEB подходят, по слухам, не только к мобильной версии

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13 лет назад

Why dont you get a dog? ;-) Awesome companions....really worth the effort. One thing that bothers me is the Vets charge too much. Soon it will only be possible for wealthy people to own a pet :(

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I was just showing vitalii201...This was my dog 'Leo'. He is an English Mastiff. Awesome breed....my favorite breed


13 лет назад

Here is another Photo ''LINK

Unfortunately he passed away a while ago from a health issue, but he didnt die young. He was old for a dog of that size :[

We spoiled him so much. He was huge (over 50kg) and he used to sleep on the bed =D Now we just have one dog left (a Chow Chow cross) called Mica. I dont have any Photos handy now :( sorry.

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This is so nice to watch......
from the movie Zeus and Roxanne
friendship between dog and dolphin :]


13 лет назад

Yes. Pleasure to watch. :)

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Awesome Screenshot....

I have just tried this and its great. Available for Chrome and Safari :]


13 лет назад

Класс! Удобно.

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Wake up freak out.....
[see link for video in other languages incl Russian]


13 лет назад

Просто и наглядно.

В отношении жизни следующих поколений в России есть поговорка: После нас хоть потоп!

Simply and clearly.

With regard to the next generation in Russia there is a saying: After us the deluge!

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Funny photo manip I made for this weeks GFX battle....


13 лет назад

Не жалко девушку? :D

Tara, за что вы её так? :D

Do not feel sorry for the girl? :D

Tara, what are you her so? :D

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13 лет назад

lol OK deal =D

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13 лет назад

Все силы на танец ушли... Да и трусы весят больше, чем он сам. :D

All the strength had gone to the dance ...

Yes and shorts weigh more than him. : D

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13 лет назад


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13 лет назад

hahaha....I think Im too scared to make this one =D



13 лет назад

oops link to translate page....sorry :(


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