
Привет! Это страница пользователя Tara на Stickr.com

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Can you guys see this link? Its the underwater oil leak in the USA....alooot of oil :(


14 лет назад

Не работает. :(

Does not work. : (

ещё 2 комментария


14 лет назад

СУПЕР! Давай отдельный стикер!

SUPER! Come on a separate sticker!

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Three guys went to a ski lodge, the rooms are full, so they have to share a room with one bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says, "I had this very wild dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and said "That's unbelievable, I had the same dream too!". Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says, "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"

joke :D


14 лет назад

Есть прекрасный вариант на русском языке! :)

There is a nice option in Russian! :)

ещё 4 комментария


14 лет назад

English version is almost similar to Russian one, but much simplier, not so colourful :)

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Pic I made for this weGFX Battle...I still cant log on here :( I cant rate or comment :(


14 лет назад

Beautiful! The errors on the website correct. Everything will be fine.

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14 лет назад

Oh yay it did :D

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Im having login problems...anyone else? It keeps loging me out as soon as I refresh the page (on site) :(


14 лет назад


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Play media

Dropbox - cross platform file storage/sharing app...nice ;-)


14 лет назад



14 лет назад

Ваше добро пожаловать! ;-)

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The most popular and powerful web development tool

Firebug - "web development evolved"
Its free and open source too...great!


14 лет назад

Yeah nice CanadaGoose...any reason for that?

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