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Gas Station Fail...


13 лет назад

Да... Не знаешь, где найдёшь, где потеряешь...

Yes ... Do not know where to find, where to lose...


13 лет назад

no luck

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Did you see this one? I thought Chameleons cant go red? I heard it makes them sick or they die?


13 лет назад

Вы видели это? Я думал, Хамелеоны не могу пойти красные? Я слышал, что делает их больными или они умирают? :(

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13 лет назад

@Tara. In Russia there is no chameleon. :)

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My friends works Diet Coke ad.....please watch and help get to 1000 views so his boss will take him out for dinner =D


13 лет назад

Please watch on Youtube!


This is some firemen in UK mucking around (trying to make a Diet Coke advert) My friend is asking if I can help him get 1000 views....his boss has promised to take him out for dinner if he gets them =D

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13 лет назад

Thanks so much :]

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Open notepad and copy this......

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Hello sexy peoples he he he he he"

Now save it as......


Save it somewhere you will find it easily ie desktop

Now all you do is locate the file and click on it

Tell us if your PC is a Male or Female.......

Is your PC a male or female?


13 лет назад

Mine is female =D...with a deep voice :P

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Russian Military Engineer Evgeny Ubiyko builds capsule to save humanity....


13 лет назад

While families across the globe celebrate the arrival of 2011, some are more concerned with the supposed proximity of the end of the world. After reading the ancient prophecies, the Russian Evgeny Ubiyko assumed responsibility for ensuring the survival of humanity. The military engineer decided to build a capsule that will ensure the survival of human beings resist "Doomsday" provided by the Mayans to happen on December 21, 2012.


Хотя семьи во всем мире отмечают приход 2011 года, некоторые из них больше озабочены ожидается близким концом мира. После прочтения древних пророчеств, Россия Евгений Ubiyko взял на себя ответственность за обеспечение выживания человечества. Евгений, (военный инженер), решил построить капсулу, которая будет гарантировать выживание человеческого существа, чтобы противостоять "Думс День", предоставленные Mayans произойдет 21 декабря 2012 года.

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13 лет назад

lol ''''[click]

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HBO Miniseries 'Generation Kill'
.....some funny singing bits :]


13 лет назад

Has anyone seen this?

I think its really great....based on true events in the First Iraqi War. When I first got it, I watched it 10 times or something outrageous. I love the jokes, singing

....and Ray (Cpl. Person) =D

I hope they have it with Russian subtitles? :]

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Happy Christmas to all my friends on Stickr who celebrate today....I wont forget those who celebrate it on the 7th either ;-)


13 лет назад

С Рождеством Христовым, чтобы все мои друзья на Stickr, который празднует сегодня .... Я не забуду тех, кто празднует по 7th либо ;-)

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13 лет назад

=D hahaha I think this is gonna get a bit weird...

and I liked this one....now I will have to change him :[

''edit - I know, I have a similar one but different :]

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In Australia, Pavlova is a popular desert (especially at Christmas). Named after the Russian ballet dancer Ánna Pávlova.


13 лет назад

I was wondering, do you have ''Pavlova in Russia/Belarus/Ukraine etc? If so, is it a popular desert?

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13 лет назад

Oh wow....I understand it better now :] Looks really good. Im going to try and make this one day. Thank you ;-)

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