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Made a Wallpaper for a friends site....what do you guys think? :]


13 лет назад

great graffiti!

ещё 3 комментария


13 лет назад

@Front Hi thanks for looking and for the feedback :] I know you like art so I thought I would ask you. I also made it without the arrows, ''HERE and I think now, I like this one better. I think with the arrows is a bit too much. What did you mean about replacing the blue shades with green? Sorry I

didnt quite get that :( Thanks again ;-)

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Men at Work - Down Under Official Music Video.....


13 лет назад

Praying for Brisbane


13 лет назад

''@ nlnnet Me too, its very sad :( We are having floods aswell in WA too (in Carnarvon). Its no where near me though. You know, I just heard on the radio a pub was floating down the river and the water police were trying to chase it. Also, a friend in Queensland said there was a bull shark was in the main street of Goodna... Crazy. This weather is all over the place :( Makes you wonder what it will be like in 10 years time hey

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[see link] These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word =D


13 лет назад

Это из книги под названием "Беспорядок в судах американской", и что люди на самом деле сказал в суде, слово в слово, сняты, и теперь опубликованы по решению суда журналистам, что было мучений сохраняет спокойствие, хотя эти обмены были на самом деле происходит.


13 лет назад

Here I have tried to translate it =D I hope its right or understandable ;-) ''''''LINK

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I'll say =D


13 лет назад

lol dunno if I can translate this =D

Caption -

I dont do Touchy-Feely

I do Ouchy-Bleedy


13 лет назад

ha-ha, it seems to be a twin of my cat.

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Welcome to The Cloud Workplace
The Future of Online Storage, Backup & File Management

OpenDrive - Online File Storage, backup, Collaboration and File Management System....looks pretty good :]


13 лет назад

Спасибо! :)

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