
Привет! Это страница пользователя Tara на Stickr.com

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Anyone else have to edit their post twice for the changes to show?


13 лет назад

When you edit, then press 'save'....nothing. Then press edit again and your changes are still there. Then save and it works

This has been happening to me now for about a week :]

Есть ли еще придется редактировать сообщение дважды за изменения вступили в силу? При редактировании, а затем нажмите "Сохранить'.... ничего. Затем нажмите кнопку Изменить снова и ваши изменения все еще там. Затем сохраните и это работает :]

Это было со мной уже около недели:]


13 лет назад

lol and some of my writing is showing up in CAPS....I never write in CAPS =D

''Example << thanks for explaining "IT" to me lol. Im just glad it chose 'it' instead of 'penis' to be in caps

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I am looking for some free online storage with the largest amount of space. I found this one.....offers a huge 50GB free online storage....


13 лет назад


Plus many other features. If anyone knows of a better one (free), please let me know :] Thanks x

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13 лет назад


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This is really awesome....Boxee - "a device that finds all your favorite shows and puts them on your TV"


13 лет назад

Its FREE....you dont have to buy it ;-)

Some more info here on how to add a new repository etc ''LINK

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A very cool collection of network tools and gadgets from 'you get signal'.....


13 лет назад

A list of the tools and Gadgets I wrote out so it can be translated -

Tools -

Port Forwarding Tester -> Find open ports on your connection

Network Location Tool -> Locate a network using Google Maps

Visual Trace Route Tool -> Plot the route to network address

Phone Number Geolocator -> Figure out who is calling

Reverse E-mail Lookup Tool -> Figure out who is emailing

Reverse IP Domain Check -> Find other sites on a web server

WHOIS Lookup Tool -> Check to see if a domain name is available

Gadgets -

iGoogle Network Gadget -> Displays your IP, Hostname and ISP

Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget -> Displays your external IP

Other -

Cloud Performance Tools -> Compare cloud vendors and CDN's

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13 лет назад

@eAleksandr....Your welcome :]

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