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Ouch....silly girl...


13 лет назад

omg, it's terrible.. and it might hurt so much. I just can't understand that "beaty"


13 лет назад

Me either :( I dont think it looks nice at all. Perhaps one piercing looks ok, but not like that. Also, it must be so annoying...getting caught on clothes etc

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GeFore Vs. Radeon In HQV 2.0 Video Quality Test.....


13 лет назад

Here is the conclusion if you dont want to read through the whole test ''LINK

I knew Radeon would do better ;-) I just knew it!

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Poor Queensland about to be hit again....the biggest Cyclone in Australia's history in about 1.5 hours
:( I an very worried for everyone :(


13 лет назад

Category 5....winds up to 320km/h....500KM wide :O worse than Cyclone 'Tracey'. Poor Queensland hasnt recovered from the floods they just had and now this :(

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13 лет назад

I just heard on the news then.....its coming through now....almost the size of the whole USA :O Thats Huge :(

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New State Theatre opened last week in Perth....in memory of Heath Ledger...


13 лет назад

Forgot to add....there is 29 images in the gallery ;-)

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More Aixsponza awesomeness.....
see link to watch 2010 showreel and many more.....these Germans are very talented =D


13 лет назад

@Tara. Above my post about the weather forecast. In Australia work?

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