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Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be... if it didn't zigzag?


14 лет назад

The man first saw the lightning, and then hears the sound of thunder, because the eyes are in front of the ears!

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4 похожих стикера

anonymous 14 лет назад

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What you Network Modem Speed Download think about this page?

collin 14 лет назад

Anybody seen Edge Of Darkness.It's a wierd movie,But also cool,I wonder what that guy said about human's

thought,and that it was a virus.

MarlboroG 14 лет назад

Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be... if it didn't zigzag?

anonymous 14 лет назад

I would like to see the ability for users to vote

for a particular Giveaway of the day based on popularity,what do you think admin? :)

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История действий

  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 15th May
  • реакция like 15th May
  • написал пост 10th Apr