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In a fire, buildings must be built to stay stable for a while. Most buildings use structural steel as a part that can hold a lot of weight.

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Architectural rules establish the number of hours a structure must endure a specific temperature, based on a range of building attributes.

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Fireproofing paint for steel structure is one of the best techniques when it comes to solving the issue and JPSC Solutions is a reliable and experienced supplier of fire fighting and repelling paints.

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Strength is one of the main reasons used for construction of buildings. Steel is tough and strong construction materials are used in buildings.

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Fire retardant paint for cables coating when applied on electrical cables, retards the spread of fire thereby providing additional time for rescue operations before the fire incidence become fatal.

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Here comes the role of the best fireproofing paint for steel structure. Fire protection paint for steel can provide the following benefits.

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Many building codes need fireproofing protection to structural steel as a safety precaution. The most common way to provide Fireproofing Paint for Steel structure is by spraying low density fiber or cementitious compounds called spray applied fire resistance material.

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We, at JPSC Solutions, are specialized in manufacturing and supplying fire retardant paints for cables. Our product is widely being used as fire retardant for buildings, electrical appliances, electrical lines and near flammable areas to avoid fire hazards.

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