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Видео и реалтайм новости о взрыве в Домодедово


13 лет назад

I just heard about this now :( Im so sorry. I hope all my friends here and their families were not affected? I really dont understand.....why Russia? Because they are not Muslims maybe? I have a good idea how to deal with this Middle East problem but I cant say it....its not 'politically correct' =D


13 лет назад

@Tara, Russian Federation is the largest country in the world - it unites not only white (slavic) people but also asian people on the far east and islamic people on the south west. One of the major problems for Russia is ''Chechnya - for many years chechen rebels continue organizing terracts in different parts of Russia, you may have heard about this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpQmCk2Yahc


13 лет назад

Oh sorry, my mistake :( When I first heard it on the news I was under the impression that it was the Muslims and my mum mentioned something about them too....so I thought it was them. Later, I heard it was a Chechen suicide bomber. I cant

see the youtube link due to an internal server error :( I will have a look in the morning :]


13 лет назад

@Tara, you may google for "Nord-Ost Siege" if youtube returns an error )


13 лет назад

@Katrin I just watched all 5 parts.....I have tears :( What a terrible thing to happen :( I didnt know Chechen's were Muslims. Thank you for showing me this story....even though its very sad, its interesting to know about things like this.


13 лет назад

Правительство России и мы, русские, всегда проявляли и будем проявлять настоящие сострадание и заботу о жертвах террористических актов и их родственниках:


Даже чужие тела из морга присвоим, лишь бы чужие похоронные деньги получить!


The Russian government and we, the Russian, always displayed and will show real compassion and care for victims of terrorist attacks and their relatives: http://tinyurl.com/6xnhwbn

Even foreign body from the morgue has been assigned, if only someone else`s funeral to get the money! : (


13 лет назад

I'm so very sorry this happened. God Bless you all.

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привет всем !!!!

кто знает помогите! у меня плеер сони nw-a805

//а цуко видео никак не могу на него закинуть 2 года туплю

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