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How americans see Europe.


13 лет назад

не будем писать, как мы видим американцев )))


13 лет назад

:O How do you see Australians?


13 лет назад

For me typical Australian is a cowman riding a horse during seasonal drive cattle. He owns a rancho and wears a cowboy hat ))))


13 лет назад

hahaha well, this is true, but only a small part (our regional areas). We dont have "ranches" though like America. Maybe hmmm 'cattle stations'. Our cowboys, we call them ''Drovers.

edit - and this reminds me, we have a 'reality show' here

called ''Farmer Wants a Wife . These farmers on remote land sign up to "find love" and lots of girls from the city come. They end up choosing 3 girls, and they all go up to the farm to stay for a week. In the end, they choose the one they like the best (or none) Its quite funny :D


13 лет назад

I think they did the Netherlands one wrong....shouldnt it be -



13 лет назад

Ah, I remember TV series McLeod's Daughters filming at Hallmark channel, they called their rancho Drovers )))


13 лет назад

Did any farmer managed to find a true love during this show?


13 лет назад

BTW, in the USA they often call farmers redneck ))) I wonder if you have such a word?


13 лет назад

Oh wow, you watched or know of McLeods Daughters? I didnt really watch it all that much, but, the episodes I did see, I didnt mind.

Farmer wants a wife- There has been 3 shows so far and I believe there has already been some weddings. The last show, one farmer proposed :D The last show, there was also the first female farmer....she was so cool :]

lol @ Rednecks....no, we dont use this term here, but we do know about it. This reminds me, I watched "The Hills Have Eyes (1) the other day....scary and gory. Its about these psycho rednecks who like eating people :(

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