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Cyprus is the largest island in the Mediterranean sea. If you are coming here to visit Cyprus with your family, there are number of resorts, appartments, hotels Cyprus to make your stay a pleasant and unforgettable one.

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6 похожих стикеров

Cyprusholi012 13 лет назад

CyprusHolidays is a spammer

They use the same name with various numbers at the end and keep posting promotional material about their site

Cyprusholi011 13 лет назад

Well..Cyprus is one of the places where you can find multiple monuments, many achealogical remainings,the Cyprus more. If you are an environmentalist you will surely visit all these places and leave them unspoiled. Most of the tourists will come here on their Cyprus holidays and visit these places

Cyprusholi010 13 лет назад

Cyprus, is one the best places to get married. The place is clean and the atmosphere is very romantic for the couples to have a great and unforgettable wedding. Before planning your wedding, you have to plan your Cyprus holidays here and take a look at some of the weddings here at Cyprus.

anonymous 13 лет назад

Your dropdown menus on Greenslip renewal are below the page and can't be read!!

anonymous 13 лет назад

Dolores at Carsons Store at Evergreen Park was the best in customer service, truly a very good sales associate.....smiling, very patient, friendly and caring about customers. Makes you glad to shop at Carsons.

anonymous 13 лет назад

Dolores at Carsons Store at Evergreen Park was the best in customer service, truly a very good sales associate.....smiling, very patient, friendly and caring about customers. Makes you glad to shop at Carsons.

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  • написал пост 17th Aug