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Карма: 0.00

Devidmash 1 год назад

Gluten Free Millet Flour is a gluten-free flour that is made from ground millet. It is low in fat, high in fiber, and has a good protein content. Gluten Free Millet Flour can be used to make breads, pancakes, muffins, and other baked goods.

Devidmash 1 год назад

Millet Flakes are a popular food item in India. It is the most consumed cereal in India and is found in many households. Millet flakes are made from ground millet, which is a type of small round wheat grain.

Devidmash 1 год назад

Ready to Eat Millet Products are a new trend in the food industry. They are trending because they are convenient, healthy, and nutritious. Ready to Eat Millet Products: Ready to Eat Millet Products have been on the rise in the last few years.
