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Are you a manager involved in negotiating contracts? Read our latest Commercial Law Blog to find out What to Do and what new?

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In our latest Family Law Blog, our experts Nicole Stevens and Aditi Ramesh outline the steps on how to file for divorce in Australia.

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The Coleman Greig Virtual Challenge Week will begin on Friday, 12 November - Friday, 19 November 2021 in support of the Westmead Hospital Foundation and St Gabriel's School. Register now on cgchallenge.com.au to take the challenge.

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In our latest Commercial Property Blog, Stephanie Lynch outlines what you need to know when a Vendor pulls out of a Contract for Sale of Property.

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Businesses look to Coleman Greig's experienced team of commercial lawyers for advice and assistance with legal issues.

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Search for data and ensure around to find an extraordinary expense lawyer that offers sensible rates. Ensure that you draw in an expense lawyer who truly has the right stuff well beyond information to represent you.

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In our latest Building & Construction series, Building and Construction Principal/Director, Nick Kallipolitis, discusses the recent changes to the Security of Payments Act and what this means for you.

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We offer uniquely tailored training sessions to suit your business, that are flexible enough to accommodate your specific needs with regard to timing, number of attendees, content and location.

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In this article, we have explained why you need to hire tax lawyers. Click here to read more or for hiring lawyers in Penrith.

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Were are delighted to announce the firm ranked number 22 in the Top 50 Best Places to Work in Australia (100-999 employee category) for the second year running.

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