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Welcome to a pointless waste of time - twitter without the structure. I guess you can't say too much in 140 chars. Review the software?


14 лет назад

Well I guess it takes some time getting used to...

Maybe it's not a bad idea after all.

Cheers Robert


14 лет назад

Sorry, BuBBy, I accidentally hit the report button and can't undo it. As a compensation I clicked 3 times the favorites star :)

And - yes, you are right, this feature is a pointless waste of time, at least for this site.



14 лет назад

Maybe it is a waste of time but I like it....I love wasting time.


14 лет назад

I think you're right about the pointless waste of time thing, but i dont think its "structureless" like twitter. Not that iv ever been to the twitter site.

But what im saying is, it seems that this annoying stickr thing has a "dynamic structure"... I think only time will tell if its any good.


14 лет назад

bubby, look at the good qualities of your stickr...

your stickr, complete with comment by "Bitchassho", goes so well with the "Most popular 20" searches for "sex video free download", "download free 3gp sex video", "sex", "free nude screensaver", "free mobile adult video clips"...

i'd go on, but i already did in a PM to admin...which apparently was ignored or admin wasn't concerned about...

nice wholesome family site, guys!!!...seriously tired of the "sex search box"...

as for the stickr's...i'd prefer they be easier to arrange if i choose to see them...

Violet4714, AKA "the soon-banned Violet4714"

...leaving soapbox now...


14 лет назад

If its such a waste of time, then why engage yourself in it? Its a new piece of technology. U don't like it, don't use it. But don't just sign up so that u can bitch on and on about its negatives...

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  • оценил стикер 24th Jan
  • добавил стикер в избранное 21th Dec
  • добавил стикер в избранное 21th Dec