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Known as the education capital of India, Pune has both SSC and the CBSE board schools. Some of the best CBSE school in Hadapsar focuses on promoting intellectual, social and emotional spirit amongst students.

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Understanding the world we inhabit is greatly enriched by general knowledge, making it an essential aspect of our learning journey. Hence, initiating the quest for knowledge and honing general knowledge from a young age becomes of utmost importance.

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General Knowledge (GK) plays an important role in shaping young minds, providing them with valuable insights into the world around them. For Class 5 students, in particular, this is an essential stage where they begin to explore beyond their immediate surroundings and delve into broader topics.

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General knowledge helps us improve our understanding of the world we live in. So it is important to start learning and improving your GK from a young age. This list of GK questions for class 1 students,

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