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Our inflatable boat is made of durable, soft and heavy-duty PVC material. Designed with heavy duty, puncture resistant PVC for comfort. Our inflatable boats fold up when you don’t need them, saving you storage space. Easy to transport and carry.

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Over-sized and foldable, our camp chair provides a relaxing and comfortable wide seat for enjoying your favorite outdoor activities. It also works great at home for replacing basic lawn chairs, or for extra outdoor seating when entertaining.

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This super light sleeping bag weighs about 1kg/2.2lbs, and comes with a carrying bag for easy storage and transport. You can hang it on your backpack and carry it with ease. Zipper with double sliders for your convenience.

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It is easy to set up the portable camping hammock. It will take less than 3 minutes to hang your portable camping hammock on the main branch of a strong tree through using the ropes, strips and carabiners. The safety height between the hammock swing and the ground is suggested to be less than 50 cm.

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The Inflatable Rectangular Pillow is Ideal Travel Companion. Easy to inflate and deflate. Ideal for long & short journeys in cars, planes, coaches, trains and buses etc. Provides support to help prevent neck ache and headaches. Soft towel coated material for sleeping comfort.

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People who are suffering from severe injuries will find this Commode chair as the best toilet. It is a folding Commode chair and can be placed beside of patient whose activities are limited. These are often used in the home when the patient is too debilitated reach to the bathroom.

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Outdoor 6L Adult Size Toilet Commode is made of high-density polyethylene, the toilet features a cover, a seat, toilet roll holder and 2 side carrying handles. it can also be used as an emergency toilet for schools, hospitals, and aged care.

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We have baseball bats, skateboards, punching mitts, boxing gloves, etc. It will take your several hours just to go through our wide range of sports goods. Our large collection allows you to easily find what you need.

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