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Drinking Water is The Most Critical Survival Need in a Disaster...
Mainstay Water Packets are purified and bacteria free specifically designed for emergency preparedness, first responders, and disaster victims. They are an efficient, safe, and effective solution to any contaminated water crisis.


12 лет назад

A person can sometimes go for days without food and shelter, but water is a must. However, all water is not created equal! Survivor Industries spent years perfecting their Mainstay(TM) Water Packets. The final result is a portable, Coast Guard approved, durable, life saving survival water packet.

<a target="_blank" href="http://stores.2012survivalaids.com/-strse-50/Emergency-drinking-water-packets/Detail.bok">Emergency drinking water packets - 6 pack - FREE shipping<img src="http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqIOKo8E1qi0HjCLBNiBMw(hv!~~_12.JPG" border="0"/></a>

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