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Карма: 5.05

2012survivalaid 12 лет назад

Drinking Water is The Most Critical Survival Need in a Disaster...

Mainstay Water Packets are purified and bacteria free specifically designed for emergency preparedness, first responders, and disaster victims. They are an efficient, safe, and effective solution to any contaminated water crisis.

2012survivalaid 13 лет назад

The Mayans see time like a river. The Mayans also see changes in time as differences of tones, frequencies or even octaves,...

2012survivalaid 13 лет назад

Apocalypse 2012 - Explore the Mysteries & Meaning of

an Apocalypse

It IS going to happen and you need to get prepared.

2012survivalaid 13 лет назад


2012survivalaid 13 лет назад

A little preparation now will ensure your family's security and peace of mind even in the midst of a storm.
