Стикеры по тегу india

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India emerges as largest producer of sugar in world
10POINTER- India emerged as the world’s largest producer and consumer of sugar and world’s 2nd largest exporter of sugar.

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IFAD’s work in India
10POINTER- Reehana Raza, Regional Director, Asia and the Pacific Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), recently gave her statement on IFAD’s work in India.

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Cheetah Reintroduction
10POINTER- A modified passenger B-747 Jumbo Jet is to take off from Namibia for Jaipur to transport eight Namibian wild cheetahs, five females and three males, the founders of a new population in Kuno National Park, Madhya Pradesh.

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India’s 49th Chief Justice of India
10POINTER- Recently, Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, sworn in as the 49th Chief Justice of India, will demit office on November 8 with a tenure of 74 days.

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