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Карма: 4.70

if you have a humble eagerness to learn something from everybody, your learning opportunities will be unlimited

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If you criticize others’ ideas to advance your own, they will almost never use yours, no matter how good they are.


13 лет назад

What a stupid thing to say! ;-)

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When it comes to success, people who see a glass half empty are more likely to fill up the glass than people who see it half full.


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Many people struggle to see the big picture if it doesn’t have detail, while others have difficulty grasping the details without a big picture. That means you need to have both in every situation.


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The human mind is quirky: It says that if something’s too easy, it can’t be right; if it’s too hard, we give up.


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“A sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo, with the way things are right now, can push people to develop ideas and find creative solutions”


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Suos cultores scientia coronat — знание вознаграждает тех, кто к нему стремится.

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“What we had was a government-prescribed course of amphetamines (to keep it up), antibiotics (to prevent infection) and antidepressants (to make it feel better). It endured regular steroid injections from both monetary and fiscal authorities. And it still has no real muscle.”

Awesome note about economy (with medical terms)

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