heraldrycrests Public group

Heraldry & Crests and its partners have been in business since 1988 with over 25 years of experience. It is a firm that specializes in onomastic and heraldic research, with the most comprehensive research library of its kind in the world,

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Give Your Family An Authentic Coat Of Arms And Crest To Last A Lifetime

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Discover The Secret Behind Your Family Name And Be Proud Of Your Legacy

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Crests are elements of a heraldic display which were usually adorned on top of the war helmets in the medieval periods. They were conceptualised as a physical representation of the power and conquests of the individuals or the army troops showing solidarity and the hunger for triumph.

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You must have heard of a thing called family crest. A crest was used in ancient times as a symbol of the family that a person came from. It was typically worn on the head, atop the helmet. They were decorative sculptures that knights wore in tournaments.

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