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Брестская крепость

Книга С.С. Смирнова, на ее материалах, например, основан недавний фильм Угольникова.
Фильм обязательно смотреть всем, у кого есть совесть.


13 лет назад


I don't know what did the robo-translator gave you, and how complete your knowledge about USSR/Russia history, so let me explain a bit.

The fortress of Brest-Litovsk or the Brest Fortress in Belorussia. Its defense was one of famous episodes of the Great Patriotic War of USSR. Some historians calls that defense as "Russian Alamo", but during Mexican(?) wars there weren't 1800kg bombs, flamethrowing panzers, jumbo-caliber artillery like "Karl" etc...

To give you just a glimpse of difficulties for defenders, try to locate photos of bastions of the Fortress. You may see the stalactites made by melted ceramic bricks: they were melted in flames of Nazi flamethrowers. About 1600C (one-six-zero-zero Celsius). Disregard of it, defenders sustained organized defense, even made counter-attacks since 22/06/41 for 9+ days. Latest defenders stopped their actions in late August of 1941. Stopped because of death or extremely heavy wounds.

This page of our history makes me, 38 year man to cry.


13 лет назад


The bookmarked book is one of the first relatively complete investigations of that defense. Thanks to this Sergei Smirnov's book, many of survived defenders were honored by medals, orders, even highest reward: The Golden Star of Hero of Soviet Union.

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