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Walking around my ranch, looking for everything that makes intersting noises.
Andando pelo meu sítio, procurando por tudo que faça barulhos interessantes. Sony a7s
Zeiss 24 - 70
Zoom H2nCast: Jarbas AgnelliTags: xylophone, beats, nature, patterns, marimba, editing, ranch, sound, tree,...

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Mahendra Kumar Trivedi is the spiritual leader who has the power to transform living and non-living things at atomic level. His power is scientifically validated as well.

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THERE IS A FEELING that is shared with skiers all over the world. It’s nothing you can teach, learn or explain. It’s something you feel. Something you know. It stops you from sleeping during a snowstorm - knowing that fresh powder awaits you. It gives you the urge to continue hiking up the mounta...

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My safari guides thought I was nuts taking thousands of photos each day so hopefully now they will understand...
This was my first trip to anywhere in the continent and it was eye opening. There are few things more thrilling than being woken up at 5:30am to the sounds of lions outside your tent...

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Director: William Reynish
Dancers: Camilla & Gunilla LindCast: THE WŒRKS

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The Clock of the Long Now is a portrait of Danny Hillis and his brilliant team of inventors, futurists, and engineers as they build The 10,000 Year Clock—a grand, Stone Henge-like monolith, being constructed in a mountain in West Texas. The film, like the clock itself, celebrates the power of lon...

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Artist: Caravan Palace
Label: Wagram Music Director: Double Ninja (
Production Company: Cumulus
Executive Producers: Thomas Vernay and Yann Wallaert
Assistant Director: Jérémie Balais
Art Director: Double Ninja
Animation: Jérémie Balais and Jeff le Bars
Illustration: Jérémi...

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On November 15, 2015 Théo Sanson walked nearly 500 meters on a slackline rigged from The Rectory to Castleton Tower in Castle Valley, Utah - likely a new world record. Rigging the line is perhaps as significant a feat as walking it. The team included: Andy Lewis
Brent Cain
Aleta Edinger

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When taking pictures, Durian says eggplant instead of cheese.

Director & Animator: Yangzi She
Music and Sound: Jennifer Dirkes
Voice: Eric Saleh, Reid Miller, Rebecca Davis
Supported by Matt Groening Fellowship
UCLA Animation Workshop thesis film Featured on Short of the Week: shortofthe...

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