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The Ultimate Guide to Statement Jewellery

Unconventional materials such as mother-of-pearl shells, earthy-toned semi-precious stones, organic pearls, resin beads, and flawlessly cast metallic forms embellish our standout pieces. From the Middle Eastern Egyptian period thousands of years ago to the

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Magic of Moonstone - Meanings, Benefits, Healing Properties & More

Through this comprehensive blog, we will discuss various beautiful specifications and qualities of moonstone, while covering its meaning, benefits, healing properties, and more. So, without further ado, let's soar through the detail

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Shungite Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Benefits, and Cleansing

Shungite is an uncommon dim, dark, or almost black stone. Its gloss can shift; however, it frequently acknowledges a fair clean.

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Blue Lace Agate Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Uses & Zodiac Association

Like its partners inside the agate family, blue lace agate has a place with the united Chalcedony and quartz mineral classification.

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Amethyst Lace Agate - Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Benefits, and Associations

The charming purple tint gemstone with shades of blue and dim is Amethyst Lace Agate, which was obtained from Durango, Mexico. It's portrayed by layers of agate with amethyst lace design, recognized by its pink-

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Black Opal Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Advantages and Zodiac Association

Black Opal stands separated from other opal assortments because of its dim body tone, which fills in as a background for energetic glimmers of variety to arise.

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Herkimer Diamond Petroleum - Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Benefits & Zodiac Association

Herkimer diamond petroleum is seen as 'the stone of attunement,' addressing raised vibrational light and clearness to work with higher attunement and astral affiliations.

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Jade - Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Benefits, Zodiac Association and Caring

Jade, a silicate mineral regularly connected with East Asian craftsmanship, has a place with the Jadeite class of minerals and is ordered under the monoclinic gem framework.

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Banded Agate Meaning, History, Healing Properties, Benefits, Uses & Chakra Association

Banded agates, basically layered developments including quartz and chalcedony, address a captivating mix of these two minerals. While they have a hazy quality, their particular development process saturates

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Best Crystals for Studying and Learning - A Detailed Guide

Learning and studying can be difficult at times. And it is especially difficult when you are consciously trying to keep your mind focused, while all your senses are craving fast entertainment,

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