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ALWAYS A FIRE is a short documentary film on former New York Giant CHAD JONES—a star athlete from LSU whose promising professional career was put on hold by a tragic car accident before it even had a chance to begin. The film details Chad's incredible rehabilitation and recovery from the horrific...

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Visit the website to stay in tune with best in cinematic sports content: Follow Mitch here: InfinityList 'The Cinematic Sports Experience' teams up with pro scooter ri...

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Graduation film All theCast: louis thomasTags: Ballet, Dance, Opera, Leonard Bernstein, Graduation, Film and 2D Traditional Animation

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M&E Directed by M&E and D.A.D.D.Y
Animation by D.A.D.D.Y
Production Company: Red Jam
Cinematography: Ruairi O Brien
Editing: D.A.D.D.Y and M&E
Stills Photographer: Jeannie O Brien Also thanks to Renate Henschke & Hannah Moors. CHECK OUT OUR NEW VIDEO HERE!

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This is my graduation work. It's a Gloomy rainy season,The boy met the fox.There are two world,one is A humid,but suppress city.The other is a bright natural but need water.
An umbrella, a flower.These make the world filled with love.Cast: YawenTags: animation, China, 2d, fox and fairy tale

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One day skating with Kilian Martin Juan RayosTags: skate, skateboard, Kilian Martin, Juan Rayos, station, skating, Madrid and Spain

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IIn October 2011 I started documenting people in the city of Amsterdam, approaching them in the street and asking them to say their age in front of the camera. My aim was to 'collect' a group of 100 people, from age 0 to 100. At first my collection grew fast but slowed down when ...

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A sing-a-long bootlegged betamax homage to the greatest horror films of the 80's and 90's including ALIEN, TROLL 2, THE FLY and MY GIRL. Limited cassette available now - Cast: Dan Schreiber and Emperor Yes.
Directed and Produced by Chr...

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Bad Trip is an immersive interactive system that enables people to navigate my mind using a game controller. Since November 2011, every moments of my life has been logged by a video camera that mounts on my eyeglasses, producing an expanding database of digitalized visual memories. Using a custo...

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