13912953061391295306 The other person was speechless. I feel amazing
13912801841391280184 This is what a happens when a kid finds a random hose at a Coast
13912650641391265064 Getting paid after a 5 week month
13912499441391249944 My apparently much needed advice for this younger generation.
13912352451391235245 Determine your love life for the year ahead!
13911894651391189465 Someone is having a better afternoon than me. Joys of working across
13911159651391115965 Can you repeat what I just taught you?
13911012661391101266 When this horrible weather can't even touch how fabulous I look
13910857261391085726 Uncharted Tombs.
13910710251391071025 I present to you, the fully street legal Ford f650.