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Which Jewelry to Wear According To Your Zodiac Sign

Do you like to get surprises? If yes, then have you ever felt how beautiful the surprise becomes when it goes well with your personality.

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All You Need to Know Before Buying a Perfect Moonstone

Like a bright shining orb in the sky, Moonstone is a white color gemstone with healing powers of the moon and the carrier of the yin energy.

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Raw Crystal: How to Clean & Identify Them, and Unravel Their Enigmatic Beauty

Although the elaborately cut and polished crystals and the unpolished raw crystals are quite contrasting, and there might be a debate regarding which is more appealing, however, a considerable amount of people like the ra

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Raw Crystal: How to Clean & Identify Them, and Unravel Their Enigmatic Beauty

Well, perhaps they look more natural, less tainted by any kind of human interference, making their beauty complete and honest.

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Turquoise: A Historic Journey

Doesn’t turquoise remind you of the breathtaking beauty of the sky and the sea? If you have never heard of turquoise before, well, it’s a copper and aluminum-rich phosphate mineral that is loved for its versatile properties

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What Type of Chain is Best for Pendants?

Most probably, whenever you have bought pendant necklaces in the past, chains were included with them. However, many jewelry retailers and almost all wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers and suppliers sell chains and pendants separately, in order to prov

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What Type of Chain is Best for Pendants?

Most probably, whenever you have bought pendant necklaces in the past, chains were included with them. However, many jewelry retailers and almost all wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers and suppliers sell chains and pendants separately,

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Opal - A Historic Journey

As some of the most unique and special gemstones in the world, opals are known for their iridescent, fire-like appearance. If you look at opals from a historical context, you will find that throughout centuries,

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Magic of Moonstone - Meanings, Benefits, Healing Properties & More

While each and every gemstone is unique and special in its own unique way, the moonstone gemstones are truly celestial stones! For thousands of years,

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Bumble Bee Jasper Vibrancy: A Burst of Nature's Bold Palette

Bumble Bee Jasper is an uncommon gemstone that seamlessly combines volcanic ash, sulfur, and calcite. Originating from the blowhole that expels hot gases in a stratovolcano located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

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