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bhavik2022 1 year ago

JavaScript is a programming language that can be used in place of C#, Java, Php, or any other object-oriented language. JavaScript can run in a browser, server-side, or on any device using a program known as JavaScript Engine. This article contains the most commonly asked interview questions.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

ASP.NET is an Open-Source web framework for building fast, secure web apps & services with.Net. ASP.NET is also a cross-platform framework that has the biggest draw that means, which can run on any operating system so this allows you to build your ASP.NET web apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

An abstract class is a special type of class that cannot be instantiated and acts as a base class for other classes. Abstract class members marked as abstract must be implemented by derived classes.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

hierarchical inheritance

Inheritance is a mechanism of acquiring the features and behaviors of a class by another class. The class whose members are inherited is called the base class, and the class that inherits those members is called the derived class. Inheritance implements the IS-A relationship

bhavik2022 1 year ago

Dot NET Tutorial - For Beginners & Professionals

Microsoft released .NET Core, a modular and smaller implementation of .NET which is a cross-platform and open source.

The .NET Core learning path will help you to understand and use .NET Core 2.x by following the track of beginner, intermediate.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

What is Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Exam: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals?

Azure is Microsoft’s fastest-growing large cloud platform. This exam is about basic concepts of Azure cloud and hence a good start for those who are new in the Azure world.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

Conditional statements help you to make a decision based on certain conditions. These conditions are specified by a set of conditional statements having boolean expressions which are evaluated to a boolean value true or false. There are following types of conditional statements in C.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

Android is an open-source and Linux-based operating system. It was first introduced on Nov 5, 2007. It was originally developed by Android Inc. and subsequently purchased by Google.

Basically, Android is thought of as a mobile operating system. But it is not limited to mobile-only.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

In SQL Server, we have two keys which distinctively or uniquely identify a record in the database. Both the keys seem identical, but actually, both are different in features and in behaviours. In this article, I would like to share the key differences between primary key and unique key.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

In the world of the database, the most common and well popular database systems are RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). Now, if we want to develop an application which deals with a large volume of data, then we need to choose one such database which always provides a high.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

In SQL Server we make views for security purpose since it restricts the user to view some columns/fields of the table(s). Views show only those columns that are present in the query which is used to make a view.

bhavik2022 1 year ago

"A key is a single or combination of multiple fields in a table. It is used to fetch or retrieve records/data rows from the data table according to the condition/requirement. Keys are also used to create a relationship among different database tables or views.

Types of SQL Keys
