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These actionable tips can boost your email opt-ins by 3 folds. Use Builderfly e-commerce platform not only to manage your digital business but also to market it sending effective newsletters.

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The e-commerce mobile app builder Builderfly lets you customize your iOS & Android app without any programming or designing knowledge. The ecommerce mobile app builder provided by Builderfly is a do-it-yourself tool and doesn't require any design or coding skill to achieve custom mobile apps.

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Product procurement is crucial in an e-commerce business. Learn to source inventory to fulfil the orders. There is no thumb rule for product procurement in ecommerce. There are various ways to fulfil the orders.

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Web page load speed is crucial in the competitive ecommerce world. Users do not want to wait to load a web page, they will just close and go to another website. To keep intact the users and keep bounce rate of the page in check, the first step is lower the page load time as much as possible.

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Personalize the look & feel of your web store with our intuitive design editor. Don’t miss the vital product attributes that can make your products sell. There are many features offered for your ecommerce store. Choose a theme, personalize the design, upload products, integrate payment gateway

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In the Builderfly platform, after creating a web store, Artificial Intelligence takes you through to configure your native iOS and Android mobile apps for your ecommerce business. It is easy and doesn't require any designing or coding skill to create apps using the Builderfly platform.

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Take your sales to the next level by jumping on the Google Shopping bandwagon with Builderfly and be a part of the “Google Shopping” family. Integrate your Builderfly store with Google to automatize your Google Shopping business. Manage whole Google business from Builderfly dashboard.

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The Builderfly platform lets you sell your products through your own online store, through Google Shopping, through Facebook Shop, through Amazon marketplace, through Flipkart ecommerce platform, and so on. The beauty of the Builderfly platform lies in one management. Sell every where and manage the

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Linking your own domain name with the Builderfly store is a better way to make your business a brand. Later on, people will know your business with the brand name and not with the technology behind it, Builderfly. Also,

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Grab the attention of your existing customers with Coupon cards. There are many debates about whether and how online stores should offer coupons. They can help increase traffic, awareness, and sales, yet many merchants worry about them negatively impacting the bottom line.

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