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When mom has computer problems...


13 лет назад

Oh nooo Im going through this now :( She has got some bad viruses.....its so frustrating :)


13 лет назад

Oh yea, parents are so alike around the world :) thanks heaven my mom doesn't use computers at all, but my dad does. It's a usual practice when he calls crying "oh no, what shall I do with this popup window" and the window has only 1 button on it - OK :))


13 лет назад

lol =D

River I tell you, you would not believe what she did today. She has a virus and Im in the middle of trying to get rid of it. I let her go on the net while I was doing something else, and all I hear is "Taraaa whats this". I went in there and sure enough there's one of those rogue softwares scanning her computer (you know from those pop-ups that you get on various websites?). lol I just finished telling her to exit via task manager if she ever comes across another one of those. She says "I didnt press anywhere in the box, I pressed the back button" =D I didnt know weather to laugh or cry =D


13 лет назад

lol )))

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Employees cannot expect a right of privacy when they send personal messages from their work computers

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