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Has anybody seen Clash Of The Titans?It is awesome action,danger,blood spilling&romance
altogether in one movie.

Ctrl + Enter

4 похожих стикера

anonymous 14 лет назад

Something in 1AVCenter caused me to repeatably get system crashed (BSOD – Blue Screen of Death) under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, so I thought it wi...

same problem with me!!

trinya 14 лет назад

Laughter increases levels of a hormone called beta-endorphines (which elevates mood state) by 27% and increases human growth hormone by 87%. Human ...

People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't.

nlnnet 14 лет назад

Sorry - your flight is delayed

The shutdown of airspace was one of the most sweeping ever ordered in peacetime.

nlnnet 14 лет назад

Of course the earth has serious problems, it is of course bi-polar

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История действий

  • оставил стикер 12th Apr