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Are you calling & writing members of congress re: health insurance reform? Now you can tweet them too: — Organizing for America | | Tweet Your Senator Add comments
Almost 1 million public supporters of health insurance reform. Help us get there: — Organizing for America | | Health Care Action Center Add comments
Missed the primetime news conference last night? Watch it here and declare your support: — Organizing for America | Watch the Prime Time Press Conference with President Obama Add comments
Holding primetime news conference on health care @ 8pm tonight. Watch it live & declare your support: — Organizing for America | Watch the Prime Time Press Conference with President Obama Add comments
Health care reform opponents scale up attacks, playing politics w/ our lives & livelihood. Fight back: — Organizing for America | Organizing for Health Care Add comments
Speaking on health care reform. Watch live at #healthcare09
Spoke with members of the American Nurses Association today on the urgent need for health care reform: — Nurses Join the Call for Health Care Reform | The White House Add comments
Donate to Organizing for America's health care campaign by 12am Thurs, and you could come to Chicago:
donate.barackobam... — Organizing for America | | 20090710 POTUS Chicago Donor Add comments
Launched American Graduation Initiative to help additional 5 mill. Americans graduate college by 2020: — Excerpts of the President's remarks in Warren, Michigan and fact sheet on the American Graduation Initiative | The White House Add comments
Wrapping up day two of Sotomayor hearings. Direct & precise, her words speak for themselves: — Judge Sotomayor's Opening Statement | The White House Add comments