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Azure Power is trusted energy transition partner to help plan your sustainability roadmap and achieve 100% clean energy transition across multiple facilities

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Our corporate social responsibility efforts are aimed at making improvements to the lives of communities we operate in, with a focus on education, water, livelihood & skill development. We have designed all our activities by keeping in consideration the important social and environmental needs.

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Azure Power Global Limited - a solar power plant company- has appointed Mr. Alan Rosling as a non-executive and nominee Director of Azure.

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We at Azurepower are a leading independent power producer and developer of solar energy with the mission to be the lowest-cost power producer in the world. We sell solar power on long-term fixed price contracts to our customers at affordable rates. Click here to know more

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We sell solar power across India. Our mission is to be the lowest-cost power producer of solar energy electricity in the world. Also, we have achieved a substantial reduction in total solar project cost

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