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Moonstone is a part of the feldspar family and has a distinguish lunar sheen dancing on the surface showing the adularescence. It looks perfect with blue sheen reminding the wearer about the night sky, the steady and reliable cycle of darkness giving way to light.

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The mesmerizing moonstone jewelry has captivated the hearts of all gemstone lovers. People believed that moonstone was made of the moon. They assume that the crystal of the moon falls from the sky, and goddess Diana can be seen in every piece.

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The mesmerizing moonstone ring has captivated the hearts of all gemstone lovers. People believed that moonstone was made of the moon. They assume that the crystal of the moon falls from the sky, and goddess Diana can be seen in every piece. This stone teaches the natural beats of life

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The Moonstone is the birthstone for the June-born babies, and it possesses a mystic gift. It could be the best gemstone protecting the person while traveling to unsafe areas and late

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Moonstone jewelry is the surreal creation of feldspar mineral, which has become the top-notch selection for fashionistic souls. This radiant stone comes in different colors and looks brilliant when combined with 925 sterling silver material. The playfulness in the inclusions

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The mesmerizing moonstone jewelry has captivated the hearts of all gemstone lovers. People believed that moonstone was made of the moon. They assume that the crystal of the moon falls from the sky, and goddess Diana can be seen in every piece. This stone teaches the natural beats of life

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The milky appearance of moonstone has made it a charming creation for gem enthusiasts. The shimmery glance of this gem beautifully caters to the underlying aspects of life. It's a true blessing in yellow, pink, peach, rainbow, and bluish color.

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The gem with the magical powers of the moon belongs to the famous mineral group and is the amalgamation of two species that mingled together. The moonstone carries the healing of prime and offers the person with the balancing energies of the lunar.

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The pearly iridescence showcase beauty hosting deep meaning, and the importance of this stone lies with its name. This mesmerizing moonstone ring is seen as a veiled spectacle of light that guides and heal your inner soul.

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The pearly iridescence showcase beauty hosting deep meaning, and the importance of this stone lies with its name. This mesmerizing stone is seen as a veiled spectacle of light that guides and heal your inner soul.

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