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Learn to play beautiful, therapeutic healing chords from internationally renowned sound healing instructor Shelly Reef.

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Our monochords are built with great care and expertise and used in many different settings for personal use, sound healing, mediation, wellness, therapeutic settings, schools, and more.

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Upgrade your music setup with Temple of Light and Sound crystal bar chimes, a set of solid and pure crystal bar chimes made in the USA and packaged in a beautiful wooden carry case.

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Energy sound healing is a holistic practice that uses the body's energy systems to restore balance and promote healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

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Sound healing is a holistic practice that uses vibration and frequency to improve physical, mental, and emotional health. This guide covers the history, benefits, and techniques of sound healing, as well as its growing popularity and efficacy in treating a variety of health issues.

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Purchase pure crystal bar chimes for sale, which produce exquisite sound and are ideal for meditation, healing practices and enhancing the ambiance of any environment. Online shopping is now available!

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Harp therapy, a type of sound healing, has been shown to alleviate pain and promote relaxation and stress relief. Music has been used for centuries to promote health and relaxation. This technique uses specific frequencies and vibrations to relieve pain and stress.

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Shelly's Therapy Harp was meticulously perfected by energy healers in order to create the most accessible and effective sound healing instrument possible.

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The elegant and mystical STERLING SILVER HARMONY BALL CHIMES Please note: Shipping is not guaranteed by Christmas as demand is high.Leave me a note with shipping if this is a Christmas gift and I will do my best!All are guaranteed within 3 weeks.

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The harp creates sounds that are ancient, healing, modern, and always full of reverence and beauty for the listener. Raise your awareness of the harmonious interplay between music and healing, and embark on a melodic journey to nourish mind, body, and soul.

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