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Labradorite is one of the most beautiful jewelry which is loved by everyone cause of its colors. Blue, bluish-green, lavender-blue, and yellow shade attracts everyone. At gemexi, provide you the unique and innovative designs based on the latest trends with the finest quality with 10 years of trust.

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Onyx Jewelry is one of the Finest and most rich-looking gemstones. Gemexi is one of the biggest manufacturers of black onyx gemstone jewelry in India. You can find the latest and most trending gemstone jewelry designs.

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The Amethyst comes in pleasant purple color. This is the birthstone of February-born people. It is worn to make the wearer humble, gentle, and polite. Amethyst Jewelry helps in love, happiness, and peace of mind. At Gemexi we make sure to get the best quality of gemstones.

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