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Kweller Prep Student on Channel 7 News


1 месяц назад

Malena Galletto, a recent graduate of Bronx Science High School and former Kweller Prep student Malena Galletto Accepted to all 8 Ivy Leagues and 30 Colleges. Malena will attend Harvard in August 2024. Kweller Prep serves in Person Classes in Forest Hills, Queens, New York City (NYC) and surrounding areas. We also offer online classes for all areas. For more visit : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAxJIZtMR7E

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Longtime Kweller Prep Student, Malena Galletto, accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools


2 месяца назад

Malena Galletto, a recent graduate of Bronx Science High School and former Kweller Prep Student, was accepted to all 28 colleges and universities she applied to. Kweller Prep serves in Person Classes in Forest Hills, Queens, New York City (NYC) and surrounding areas. We also offer online classes for all areas. For learn more Watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZnAtt2dTUI

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