Rating: 577.28
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden...'Dead'
bbc.co.uk —
BBC News - Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'
13 years ago
hehe Thanks :] I wasnt sure if you had recieved my email. Im happy you did recieve it ;)
хе-хе Спасибо :] Я wasn't уверен, что если вы получили мое письмо. Im счастливы вы получите его ;)
I looove this song =D Dunno if I put it already....Oh well, we can listen to it again ;)
youtube.com —
YouTube - Danzig - Mother
13 years ago
Если видео заблокировано для показа в вашей стране (как у меня, к примеру), можно посмотреть воспользовавшись ''''''сервисом. Копируем ссылку на видео в поле ввода внизу, "Go", разрешаем всплывающее окно и разблокируем рекламу, смотрим ☺ Должно получится так: http://goo.gl/lWPHz
More Maru!
Maru with a silvervine stick.
Isnt he just beautiful....you can tell he is well cared for :]
youtube.com —
YouTube - またたび棒とねこ。-A silvervine stick and Maru.-
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lol for those of you who take the Zombie Apocalypse waaay to seriously))).....
dvice.com —
Transforming Safe House tells the zombie hordes to bring it | DVICE
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My other entry in this weeks GFX Battle....I made these Easter Eggs (Cinema4D =D lol Pretty cool huh? =D
illusions.forum8.... —
Illusions GFX Battle - Easter [Poll]
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My Entry in this weeks GFX Battle....
I forgot to say 'Happy Easter' to everyone here at Stickr. I hope you all had a super long weekend? :]
illusions.forum8.... —
Illusions GFX Battle - Easter [Poll]
Sculptris demo video....[see stickr below for more info]
A ''FREE gift from Pixologic....(makers of Zbrush)
Guys this is really awesome....you should have a go :]
I really love this song....havent heard it for a while now
youtube.com —
YouTube - Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
13 years ago
wow I didnt know that lady who plays the mother is Kelly Preston....John Travolta's wife :]
Windows 8's Task Manager revealed...
tomshardware.... —
Windows 8's Advanced Task Manager Revealed
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