Rating: 577.28
I really love this song.....its from "yes Man" (Jim Carrey movie) :]
This actress Zooey Deschanel has a great voice :]
youtube.com —
YouTube - Munchhausen By Proxy "Sweet Ballad" from Yes Man Soundtrack Album
In Australia (Queensland) a young guy falls to his death while trying to 'plank' off a 7 story building drunk
gizmodo.com —
Man Dies Due to A New Facebook Craze Called "Planking" - Gizmodo
13 years ago
The death is terrible.....but this 'planking' thing is so stupid...I cant stop laughing at it. I had never heard of 'planking' till this death though :(
lol Oh shame :] I would have thought a dog would know the difference between the living and a statue :]
wimp.com —
Dog trying to get a 'stranger' to throw a stick for him. [VIDEO]
Great song.....
youtube.com —
YouTube - Cold War Kids - "Hang Me Up To Dry"
13 years ago
The noise at the start of the song sounds like Avira Antivirus when it detects a threat =D lol
Nice little tribute video to Maxon.....Celebrating its 25 Years
youtube.com —
YouTube - WOW! 3D Software Developer MAXON Celebrates 25 Years
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Adobe Creative Suite is on the move with CS5.5
Adobe CS5.5 is being unveiled.....
creativityevo... —
Sign up for the Adobe® Creative Suite® 5.5 Roadshow
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Tara 13 years ago
- Group: Funny_Stuff
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Help! Can you guys give me some advice on which Linux distro to use?
13 years ago
Help! Please can you guys give me some advice on which Linux distro to use? I have Ubuntu 10.10, but I want to also try a different one. Please tell me which one you use and why? If you wont mind....of course ;) I know @feniksa likes Gentoo? Is this a good one? Its harder to use right? Im asking here because you're all very clever with this sort of thing :] I hope I did translate this right =D
Помогите! Пожалуйста, можете вы, ребята, дайте мне несколько советов, на котором Linux дистрибутив использовать? У меня Ubuntu 10,10, но я хочу попробовать другой. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, какой вы используете и почему? Если вы не виду .... конечно ;) Я знаю, @feniksa нравится Gentoo? Это хороший? Его сложнее в использовании, не так ли? Im спрашиваю здесь, потому что вы все очень умные с такого рода вещи :] Я надеюсь, что я сделал перевод этого права =D
13 years ago
Thanks so much :] Its quite a big job though so we must find a good time. Can I ask what time zone are you in? Im GMT +8. How long do you think it should take? I have msn, skype ICQ etc etc. Which IRC? I wish we had IRC on Stickr =D
I like the clip.