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Punjab promoting green manure
Punjab agriculture department is promoting the cultivation of green manure these days as Punjab Agro is providing subsidy on the seed at the rate of Rs 2,000 per quintal, which costs Rs 6,300 per quintal without subsidy. -IAS SCORE

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5G service rollout likely in August-September
The commercial rollout of 5G services could be expected from August-September 2022 onwards.-IAS SCORE

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India’s Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) score.
According to a new study, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka host a large share of India’s threatened and endemic species of amphibians, birds and mammals.-IAS SCORE

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World Happiness Report 2022 released
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has recently released the World Happiness Report 2022.-IAS SCORE

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