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Seen this Easy A. Quite entertaining. Funny thing was, I thought Emma Stone (Olive) was the dude guy in Glee. There are resemblance I reckon


13 years ago

dude guy ? did i say that ? correcting it - gay dude. Not even exact but close enough

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Great CGI but the plot is plain. Love the gal Olivia Wilde ? The cost of the movie at M$usd200 as costly as Avatar !! Sombody pull my leg


13 years ago

Tron is indeed one of the greatest movie so far and I have watch it number of times earlier.

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eloo mark zuckerberg or the actor who act as the dude in "the social network". Thou 2 hours long, it was a great movie !

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Always look at IMDB after watching a movie.


13 years ago

Now this screen cap is great. How r ya brad ?


13 years ago

Why not before ?

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Just saw this movie unfortunately the sound system at Selayang Capitol was bad. Dont know what to say if its good or bad

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